1999 Conference Photos
SAIR members browse in the display area
Tom Jones shares a demonstration
Vendor displays
Discussion in the Roundtables Luncheon
1999's Program Chair Gerry Dizinno and invited speaker Grady Bogue
Some of the 1998-99 SAIR Board members:
Glenn James, Sam Baldwin, John Kalb, Sam Lowther, Myrtes Green, and Marcia Harrington
Great opportunities for discussion
And the award goes to Mimi McDaniel from Alabama State University
Past President John Kalb presents the Distinguished Member Award to Charlie Brown
Sandi Bramblett, Debbie Head, and Ron Hagerman.
The GAIRPAQs were here assessing the aquarium.
Mary Ellen Musick, Ike Ilkenberry, and Kay Coleman catching up on the latest news
Gerry McLaughin in shock, after receiving the Distinguished Member Award.
SAIR's President Glenn James
Andrew Luna, caught in the act. A photo duel with Darlene Wilson.