2009 Sponsors and Exhibitors Information

The Southern Association for Institutional Research (SAIR) invites exhibitors with products and/or services pertaining to the higher education community to become involved in our annual conference.

Fully Dedicated Exhibit Area and Times: At the mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks on Monday, no sessions will be held. Attendees will be encouraged to visit the exhibit area. Refreshments will be served, promoting interaction between exhibitors and attendees. Additionally, attendees will be able to visit exhibitors during the entire conference: Sunday evening through Tuesday morning.

Sponsorship Levels:? Exhibitors may choose from Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsorships, which provide a wide variety of opportunities for exhibitors to showcase their products.? In addition, individual exhibit and other promotional opportunities are available.? See below for more details.

Brand Awareness Opportunity: SAIR is offering exhibitors who are unable to attend the conference an opportunity to promote their products. For $175, SAIR will distribute promotional materials and information to conference attendees.

Summary of Sponsorship Level Benefits


Advertisement in Conference Program - Full Page

Complimentary Conference Registrations - 3

Sponsorship of Events

Verbal Recognition at Event - Opening Session

Acknowledgement in Program as Sponsor - Gold

Hyperlink on Conference Webpage- Gold

Email Addresses of Attendees (Pre-conference)- Included

Presentation During Conference- Included

Roundtable During Monday Lunch - Included


Advertisement in Conference Program- Half Page

Complimentary Conference Registrations - 2

Sponsorship of Events

Verbal Recognition at Event - Roundtable Lunch

Acknowledgement in Program as Sponsor - Silver

Hyperlink on Conference Webpage - Silver

Email Addresses of Attendees (Pre-conference) - Included

Presentation During Conference - Included


Advertisement in Conference Program - Quarter Page

Complimentary Conference Registrations - 1

Sponsorship of Events

Verbal Recognition at Event - Awards Breakfast

Acknowledgement in Program as Sponsor - Bronze

Hyperlink on Conference Webpage - Bronze

Email Addresses of Attendees (Pre-conference) - Included


  • Exhibit Table Only - $500

  • Sponsorship of Refreshment Break - $250

  • Brand Awareness (i.e., bag stuffers) $175/piece

  • Conference Program Advertisement - $250

  • Program-at-a-glance Sponsorship- $500


  • Acknowledgement in conference program and in prominent banner

  • Membership in SAIR

  • Email list of conference attendees after conference

  • Invitation to Newcomers' Reception

  • Please note that vendors who participate using the "Exhibit Table Only" option are expected to register for the conference and pay the SAIR conference registration fee. Similarly, Gold, Silver, and Bronze sponsors who would like to bring more representatives than allowed by the complimentary registration status associated with their level of giving, should register the additional attendees and pay the SAIR conference registration fee.