2010 Sponsors and Exhibitors

We are especially appreciative of our sponsors/vendors at the 2010 Conference who are listed below:

GOLD Sponsors

For more than three decades, Scantron has helped education, commercial, and government organizations worldwide measure and improve effectiveness with assessment and survey solutions. The company is best known for its pioneering and exceptional products and services that allow the rapid, accurate and reliable capture of student performance data. Today, approximately 80% of schools in the United States use Scantron products. SAS allows you to overcome information barriers quickly, so you can share necessary information or enable self-service query/reporting for constituents across every level of your organization. Whether answers required involve information about faculty, staff, students, finances, facilities, research or data from any school or campus function, SAS' ability to consolidate, analyze and report information from across your institution or system, supports informed, effective decision making. Learn more at www.sas.com/ir.

Strategic Planning Online empowers and integrates the planning process so planning and budget managers can focus on objectives, targets, and assessment as a system to facilitate continuous improvement as well as documenting compliance with the SACS institutional effectiveness standards.

Silver Sponsors
Nuventive is a leading provider of solutions for assessing, managing and demonstrating continuous improvement in education. Our enterprise suite of software solutions: TracDat for enterprise assessment management and integrated planning; Insight for presenting and communicating programmatic and institution-wide initiatives; and iWebfolio for electronic portfolio solutions; equip individuals and organizations to better understand, assess, improve, and communicate personal and institutional improvement. TaskStream was founded in the late 20th Century to develop affordable Web-accessible technologies and supporting services to evolve flexible systems and processes to make learning more purposeful, engaging, efficient, and relevant. Our pioneering approach to meeting the evolving needs for a more robust learning framework is helping to redefine the educational landscape. We advance educational excellence by providing our clients with the highest quality Web-based software and supporting services to efficiently plan and manage the assessment process, facilitate the demonstration of learning achievement and foster continuous improvement throughout the education network.
Information Builders' solutions help higher education institutions align units with the institution's strategic goals, monitor and analyze progress, and communicate results. For 35 years, Information Builders’ award-winning combination of business intelligence (BI) and enterprise integration software has been helping thousands of customers make decisions in a culture of evidence. Come visit us in our booth, and let us discuss ways that our higher education customers are reducing costs and improving services, and ways we might help your institution with enrollment, retention, and student success. Also visit our web site at www.informationbuilders.com/highered.Compliance Assist! is a web-based project management solution that simplifies and integrates accreditation, strategic planning, assessment, and internal program reviews. Features include accreditation management and submission tools; faculty credentials module with CIP code matching capabilities; a tracking system for goals, projects and learning outcomes; and reporting. CA! Accreditation and Planning are customizable and support multiple accrediting bodies and presentation formats. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Dataliant has 25 years of experience in the IT industry and specializes in technology solutions for the academic market. Visit our booth to see why over 160 institutions have already chosen Compliance Assist!

CampusWide is a comprehensive assessment and reporting system for collecting and managing your program, departmental, and institutional data, both academic and non-academic, for the measurement of accountability, institutional effective-ness, and accreditation. CampusWide lets you collect your data systematically, plan your assessments, compare them against desired outcomes/objectives, and generate detailed reports for compliance, analysis, and program improvement.Developed by faculty and administrators to address assessment within the context of accreditation, WEAVEonline is both a software application and a community of expertise. Our application provides a tool that focuses on institution and program-level processes for quality assurance and enhancement. It allows higher education institutions to integrate assessment and planning in order to achieve multiple goals. In addition, we are a family of experienced assessment and planning professionals dedicated to the sharing of best practices through a consultative peer learning community.

IData is a higher education technology firm focused on innovation. Our consultants work with higher education institutions to do incredible things with administrative and educational technology. We provide expertise in software development, implementation, reporting, institutional research, and innovative products. IData also created DataCookbook.com, the innovative higher education data management tool. Epsilen Environment is an innovative global eLearning system that combines the best practices of online course delivery with fully-integrated ePortfolios and Web 2.0 social networking. Designed to exceed the expectations of today’s learners, the system provides lifelong opportunities for collaboration, interest sharing, and networking -- on campus and around the world. Epsilen Environment is delivered cost effectively through a hosted Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model and is supported by outstanding customer service. Epsilen Environment is the result of six years of R&D; at the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis CyberLab. Epsilen is majority-owned by The New York Times Company.
Academic Analytics is the creator of the Faculty Scholarly Productivity (FSP) Database that compiles data on books and journal publications, citations, federal grants, and scholarly awards for each PhD program in the US. The FSP Database provides valuable information on faculty productivity for the assessment and strategic management of institutions. The National Student Clearinghouse is the nation's trusted source for academic verification and reporting. Over 3,300 colleges, enrolling 92% of US college students, submit updated degree and enrollment records to us several times a year. Our StudentTracker service enables the education community to track student enrollment and degree attainment nationwide.
SmarterServices.com helps you scale your eLearning and technology rich courses by providing services that:
(1) Help you identify students who are at risk of not doing well in an online course (SmarterMeasure.com),
(2) Automatically collect and report rich feedback from your students about their perceptions of their courses and faculty (SmarterSurveys.com),
(3) Give you access to over 11,000 experienced, academically qualified prospective online faculty (SmarterFaculty.com), and
(4) Allow you to search a database of neutral testing proctors (SmarterProctors.com).
Created by educators for educators, the CLA centers on higher order skills essential for life and work. The CLA connects authentic teaching practices, student learning, and institution-based assessment. Each of these aspects utilizes performance tasks -- rich case studies that require critical thinking, analytic reasoning, problem solving and written communication skills. We encourage you to learn more about our assessment and faculty development services by visiting www.cae.org/cla

Concord’s proven Xitracs™ Accreditation Management System helps you meet the growing challenges of accreditation and assessment reporting with a minimum of fuss. With its Standards, Credentials and Planning modules, Xitracs has the features you need to manage the accreditation process smoothly. With the optional Faculty Portal, Survey tools and Document Scanning, Xitracs makes it easier than ever to gather the important data you need. Visit our booth for a demonstration and a chance to win an in-car GPS.

Bronze Sponsors

Established in 1955, Apperson enables you to quickly capture the data and information you need to accurately assess performance and measure success. Best known for their affordable scanner and software solutions, Apperson also offers a full-service, menu-approach solution to outsourcing your institutional research projects. Menu options include; printing, fulfillment, data collection, reporting, and more. The ability to select content that matches departmental learning goals has made the ACAT the nationally normed instrument of choice for more than 500 colleges and universities. ACATs are available in twelve disciplines for administration online or in traditional paper format.

The Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) is an interdisciplinary center for research, evaluation, information, policy studies, and research training in postsecondary education. Part of the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies at UCLA, HERI is home to the CIRP, the largest study of higher education in the United States. New this year are guides in how to use the CIRP surveys in SACS, available on the HERI website (www.heri.ucla.edu) and our new Diversity and Campus Climate Survey (DLE).


America's first interstate compact for education, the Southern Regional Education Board is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that helps government and education leaders in its 16 member states work together to advance education and improve the social and economic life of the region. Member states include: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.