Notes on the conference theme and logo:
The logo is a combination of apps, information, analytics, mobile connectivity, and the expression and sharing of ideas, all with a clean and smooth flow.
• Atlanta is a very diverse city and is considered one of the top higher-education metro areas in the U.S. It is clearly an area that connects people from all walks of life, especially in higher-education. It is also known as a ‘high tech’ area.
• The message that an app image sends is "quick and simple access to the tools you need from anywhere the app is displayed". This app is a combination of a check mark (representing analytics) and the letter "i" (a common representation of information). It also includes a wi-fi signal being emitted, representing the "anywhere" sharing of analytics and information to others.
• ‘Analytics’ is the application of computer technology and statistics (quantitative analysis and modeling) to solve problems. Practically speaking, it is the process of using data to drive decision-making.
• The date is displayed in a popular ‘blog’ format and serves as the base that holds the rest of the image together. Blogs inspire collaboration and discussion.
• While the written word is about how information is recorded and passed along, technology and the web have added a style to it.