2020 SAIR

Virtual SAIR 2020 will be held September 29 to October 2, 2020.

This year’s theme is Plotting the Course into the Future. The theme has reference to boating and navigation and how mariners plot a course to reach their destination. Just as mariners and wartime historians have plotted their course for centuries, we as institutional researchers/practitioners sometimes have to steer our offices and institutions into the unknown. As 2020 has shown each of us, we are resilient in times of change and we encourage you to help make our virtual event a success.

We hope that you will think of ways to share your knowledge of how the future of IR/IE will look in regards to hiring the next leaders in IR/IE, how communication of data may change, a future look into technology advancement, how we will continue to monitor assessment/accreditation policies/procedures, and much more. What better location to look to the future than virtually at SAIR 2020!