Annual Best Practice Awards

SAIR members have developed many innovative and attractive ways to impart key institutional information to a variety of stakeholders. The format of these work products can range from more traditional printed items to interactive online dashboards. The diversity of subfields represented within SAIR – IR, assessment, institutional effectiveness – also expands potential entries from traditional fact books to assessment scoring rubrics, college/department scorecards, and more.

In 2019 the SAIR Board decided to put the focus on the effectiveness of the report, rather than the method of delivery. Entries are judged on items such as design, innovation, coherence, and accessibility. Recognizing that content and format for a more traditional, static report is often, of necessity, quite different than for interactive dashboards, two awards were developed in acknowledgement of the differences in reports. In 2021, the SAIR Board added a fourth award category designed to recognize innovation in assessment and institutional research business operations and practices. The current categories are:

Best Print Report – fact book, report, infographic, or other item optimized and formatted for printing
Best Interactive Report – fact book, report, infographic, or other item that is interactive and not primarily designed to be printed
Best Website – departmental website, evaluated on its overall structure, content, and design
Best Innovative Practice –assessment program, workflow, or other team process that has led to increased efficiencies and/or improved outcomes

Submissions for the Best Practice Awards will be solicited in the Summer of 2024.  Award recipients will be announced during the annual conference.

Below are the links to the rubrics used to judge each award category.

Best Website Scoring Rubric
Best Interactive Report Scoring Rubric
Best Print Report Scoring Rubric
Best Innovative Practice Scoring Rubric

We have archived the previous categories and winners below.

Best Fact Book
Best Electronic Fact Book
Best Mini Fact Book