Below is a list of past SAIR Treasurers, the years they served as Treasurer, and their institution at the time.
1976-77: Glynton Smith (Secretary/Treasurer)
1977-80: E. Michael Staman (Secretary/Treasurer)
1980-81: Denise Strenglein (Secretary/Treasurer)
1981-83: Denise Strenglein
1983-86: Kay A. Staub
1986-89: Marsha Kelman
1989-91: William R. Fendley Jr., University of Virginia
1991-93: Deborah Brewton Dailey, University of Alabama - Birmingham
1993-95: Linda F. Smith
1995-97: L. Robert Kuhn, Louisiana State University
1997-99: Hannelore H. Delbridge, University of Alabama
1999-00: Rene J. Toups, University of New Orleans
2000-01: Hannelore H. Delbridge, University of Alabama
2001-03: Ross Griffith, Wake Forest University
2003-05: Michelle Hall, Southeastern Louisiana University
2005-07: Bernie Braun, Louisiana State University
2007-09: Donald Boeckman, Southeastern Louisiana University
2009-11: Ruth Salter, Albany State University
2011-13: Bethany Bodo, Radford University
2013-15: Paige Borden, University of Central Florida
2015-17: Allen Gale, Xavier University of Louisiana
2017-19: Lynne Crosby, Austin Peay University
2019-21: Kristy Neal, Louisiana State University
2021-23: James Hunt, Florida State University
2023-25: Erica Hughes, Southwest Tennessee Community College