Wow! WE did it! Thanks to many of you, SAIR 2009 was a Texas-sized success. From our outstanding slate of pre-conference workshops, to an inspiring Sunday night session with Adam Shepard, to over 100 concurrent sessions and roundtables we had many chances to learn new ideas or practices. In addition, we had fabulous sponsors who contributed to our event. Speaking of event, what about that Monday trip to Eddie Deen's ranch? Incredible food, and some pretty amazing dancing as well! I hope you've had a chance to view some of the awesome pictures that are included in the slide show above. I do plan to post additional pictures in the coming weeks, as well as a list of award winners from the 2009 conference. Please check back for a few final updates on this site in the near future. But, for now, start thinking about New Orleans and the 37th SAIR Conference next September. Program Chair Ike Ikenberry is already hard at work and we are in for another fabulous SAIR gathering. I can't wait to see you all here in my home state next year!

Award winners from the 2009 SAIR Conference:

Best Fact Book: First Place
University of Georgia

Best Fact Book: Second Place
Mississippi State University

Best Fact Book: Third Place
The University of Texas System

Best Mini Fact Book: First Place
Mississippi State University

Best Mini Fact Book: Second Place
University of West Florida

Best Mini Fact Book: Third Place
Southeastern Louisiana University

Best Electronic Fact Book: First Place
University of Georgia (Fact Book http://www.oir.uga.edu/factbks.htm)

Best Electronic Fact Book: Second Place
University of West Florida (Fact Book at http://upic.uwf.edu/OIR/factbook)

Best Electronic Fact Book: Third Place
Kentucky Community and Technical College System
(Electronic Factbook http://www.kctcs.edu/About_KCTCS/KCTCS_Factbook.aspx)

Best IR Website: First Place
University of South Carolina (IR Website: http://kudzu.ipr.sc.edu)

Best IR Website: Second Place
University of Georgia
(Website www.oir.uga.edu; Additional information is on another password protected site)

Best IR Website: Third Place
University of Memphis (IR Website: http://oir.memphis.edu/)